Sustainable policy cooperation

focalae-300x225Sustainable society needs to be built on a close and cordial friendship, lasting relationships, cooperation, well rounded in all areas, ranging from politics, economics and social relations and close contacts at all levels, starting from town to town, between governments and multilateral cooperation. Thailand and Mexico are countries that have these bases necessary and required to help develop a sustainable society in each country.

Thailand and Mexico have been very involved and share common values and ideology in relation to various global issues at regional and multilateral. At the regional level, both countries attach importance to strengthening cooperation and partnership with neighboring countries in regional perspective. Both Thailand and Mexico agree that in a globalized world, countries become more interdependent, and there is a great need to lower the economic development gap between countries in the region. This can be achieved by consolidating the efforts and the diversity of each country and put them to use to form collective comparative advantage and thus increase the competitiveness of the region and gain prosperity for all. For this reason, Thailan dhas had constructive roles in many international organizations in the region. Several examples can be cited:Thailandis one of the founding members of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), Thailand also had an important role in the establishment of ACMECS (Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy) and the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), also initiated by Thailand, etc. On the same basis, Mexico has had several important roles in the Americas region, including the Group of Central American and Caribbean Group. For example, Mexico is one of the leading countries in the Organization of the American Association of Caribbean States and also the initiator of the Puebla-Panama Program which is a regional development plan between Mexico and the countries of Central America.

A multi-lateral level, both countries have also had leading roles and are part of the close cooperation of each in various frameworks such as the Forum of Asia-Pacific Economic (APEC), the United Nations Organization (UN), World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Forum for East Asia and Latin America (FEALAC). Under the framework of APEC,Mexico hosted the APEC Summit in 2002, and the following year in 2003, he received the same honor for Thailand to host the Summit. This gave a great opportunity for both countries to share experiences in organizing this event.

In addition, Thailand and Mexico also share many similar values and will support each common ground in several international forums such as the promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) within the framework of APEC, support for UN reform The ideology of sustainable development and Millennium Development Goal of the UN or under the WTO framework in which both Thailand and Mexico place importance on the benefits and rights of developing countries, and equal and fair economic distribution between developed and developing.

Thailand Embassy in Mexico

Adress: Paseo de las Palmas No.1610 Lomas de Chapultepec México D.F. 11000
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (+52-55) 5540 4551, 5540 a 4529
Fax: (52-55) 5540 - 4817


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